RATA Associates Celebrating 38 Years

Compliance Software for Mapping

Find out more about Mapping solutions today

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Mapping solution customized for you


RATA offers customized Mapping Services to its Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) reporting customers. An institution typically uses these services to visually display and help analyze their lending activity.

Maps can readily show the geographies in which an institution is marketing its services and making loans, and those geographies where it has no such presence. Maps can show a commercial bank's retail branch network, as well as their competitors' facilities. A HMDA reporter can create a map to display the office locations of their broker network, and identify neighborhoods in communities where they have no coverage. Housing, income, racial composition and other demographic information can be displayed together with lending data to help an institution better understand the characteristics of the geographies in which they are marketing their services and making loans. CRA reporting institutions will find Mapping Services helpful in delineating their assessment areas.

  • Single Application Map
    Single Application Map
  • Official FDIC CRA Assessment Area Map
    Official FDIC CRA Assessment Area Map
  • Census Tract Shading with App Locations
    Census Tract Shading with Application Locations

Let us show you how RATA's Mapping Software and Services can help you. Simply fill out the form to receive more information about Mapping solutions!


What our clients say...

Would highly recommend both the product and the personnel!! Being able to accomplish what I did in such a short period of time is a testimonial to the product's user friendliness as well as the support I received from the great folks at RATA. Could not have done it without them!!!

<br>Greer State Bank | Logo GreerStateBank

Greer State Bank

The support has been exceptional. The program is very easy to use. RATA has been one of the best companies I have dealt with in my 25 years of banking. Their service has exceeded my expectations.

<br>Panhandle State Bank | Logo PanhandleStateBank

Panhandle State Bank

RATA Associates is one of the greatest companies I've known. It's been a pleasure adding my 2 cents to RATA Comply improvements (Fair Lending with Advanced Analysis/Regression option) that benefit everyone and help many companies in the mortgage industry to stay compliant.

<br>Pacific Union Financial LLC | Logo PacificUnionFinancial

Pacific Union Financial LLC