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RATA Associates, the leading provider of HMDA/CRA products and services to the lending compliance arena expanded into the Fair Lending market with the release of Comply Fair Lending in 2004. Comply Fair Lending is a robust software solution based on the FFIEC (Federal Financial Institutions Examination Counci) and CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) Fair Lending Examination Procedures and is the simplest and most cost effective way to monitor potential risk associated with lending performance.
Comply Fair Lending allows you to:
The folks at RATA were outstanding. Every time I had a question, I would speak to someone who either knew the answer immediately or could provide the answer within a very short period of time. Everyone I spoke with knew their product, industry and was willing to do whatever it took to help us solve our problem. I would highly recommend RATA and COMPLY to anyone who is considering this company and product.
River Funding Corporation
RATA Associates is one of the greatest companies I've known. It's been a pleasure adding my 2 cents to RATA Comply improvements (Fair Lending with Advanced Analysis/Regression option) that benefit everyone and help many companies in the mortgage industry to stay compliant.
Pacific Union Financial LLC
RATA provides the tools and resources to assist with lending pattern analysis for fair lending and CRA to maintain appropriate monitoring and reporting. The staff at RATA are helpful and will provide assistance quickly when needed.