RATA Associates Celebrating 38 Years

Compliance Software for 2024 CRA Mapping

Schedule your 2024 CRA Mapping information today

Simply fill out the form below so that we can show you everything Comply HMDA/CRA/SBL can do! or Call: (407) 831-7282

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Get a FREE 2024 CRA Mapping info!

2024 CRA Mapping

RATA Associates has been in the HMDA/CRA/SBL arena for over years. During that time we have helped hundreds of institutions successfully submit millions of applications for Regulation C (HMDA), Regulation BB (CRA) and Small Business Lending (SBL 1071).

The Comply HMDA/CRA/SBL software is robust and full-featured, yet it is extremely user-friendly and easy to use. Comply was designed to utilize all standard Windows practices. The Comply Suite has been modeled after Microsoft Office so if you can use Microsoft Word, Excel and/or Explorer, you will be able to use RATA Comply with little to no training. In addition to standard menus, icons and right-click functionality, helpful Wizards walk you through each process to ensure the proper result!

  • Easily import your HMDA, CRA or SBL data from your organization's origination system
  • Clean up and verify your data against FFIEC's Edit Checks to produce an 100% edit-free submission to the government
  • Weekly FFIEC-updated Rate Spread calculations
  • Instant geocodes on application addresses utilizing RATA's Compliance-grade Geocoding services
  • and many more Advanced Features!

Let us show you how Comply HMDA/CRA/SBL can help you. Simply fill out the form to schedule your FREE personalized 2024 CRA Mapping information!

What our clients say...

Would highly recommend both the product and the personnel!! Being able to accomplish what I did in such a short period of time is a testimonial to the product's user friendliness as well as the support I received from the great folks at RATA. Could not have done it without them!!!

<br>Greer State Bank | Logo GreerStateBank

Greer State Bank

The folks at RATA were outstanding. Every time I had a question, I would speak to someone who either knew the answer immediately or could provide the answer within a very short period of time. Everyone I spoke with knew their product, industry and was willing to do whatever it took to help us solve our problem. I would highly recommend RATA and COMPLY to anyone who is considering this company and product.

<br>River Funding Corporation | Logo RiverFundingCorp

River Funding Corporation

The support has been exceptional. The program is very easy to use. RATA has been one of the best companies I have dealt with in my 25 years of banking. Their service has exceeded my expectations.

<br>Panhandle State Bank | Logo PanhandleStateBank

Panhandle State Bank